Newsletters and Blogs

One of Motu’s guiding principles is its commitment to freely disseminating research findings. Motu insists on a clause in every research contract stating that the results of the research will be published publicly, rather than allowing the organisation who funded the research to decide whether the results will be released or not. As part of this commitment, Motu publishes newsletters and blogs to inform the public on recent research.


Motu News is published once every two months. It is aimed at the general public, informing people of current research and other happenings at Motu. Check out back copies or subscribe to Motu News here.

Articles in our annual newsletter, Motu Research Update, are usually more in-depth. You can check out back copies of this publication here or subscribe

If you prefer shorter, more regular updates, you may prefer Motu News; if you prefer more substantive and less frequent updates, you will prefer Motu Research Update. We also distribute a bi-annual publication listing out research that is forthcoming from Motu researchers.

To subscribe to these publications or to sign up to receive our working papers, or information about our Public Policy Seminars, visit our subscription page. You can also sign up to receive information about specific policy areas.


Motu researchers currently have three blogs.

New Zealand's Low Emissions Future is part of our engagement and communications strategy for the Low Emissions Future project. The blog creates a forum for sharing information and perspectives about the mitigation challenges that New Zealand faces, the assets that we have, the solutions that might be developed or adapted, the lessons we can learn from overseas and the experience that we can offer to other countries.

Agricultural Emissions Dialogue is a forum for discussing agriculture and greenhouse gas emissions, with a New Zealand focus. Contributors from a variety of relevant backgrounds - farming, industry, public policy, and science - and will post regularly on a broad range of topics relevant to agricultural emissions.

Relieving Scarcity is the blog run by research analysts at Motu, however the views expressed therein are those of the authors alone, and are not attributable to any institution.