Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

321 - 330 of 403 items

Commentary on Morgan Foundation NZ ETS Report

Expert commentary collated by the Science Media Centre on the Morgan Foundation's report into the rise of questionable carbon credits provided by the Ukraine and Russia in 2011-12, and New Zealand’s use of these ‘hot air’…

Adam Jaffe in NY Times on patents and innovation

Adam was interviewed by Eduardo Porter from the New York Times for his story, Lifting the Patent Barrier to New Drugs and Energy Sources. This discusses finding a different way to spur innovation and disseminate new…'s Top 10 Reads for the Weekend

Motu research analysts on why Middle America should be angry, saving the EU, middle class housing projects, the TPPA, the animated Panama Papers & more

Why don’t Governments implement growth-maximising fiscal policies?

For years, research has told us that income taxes are worse for economic growth than GST. Governments still, however, raise more money from taxes on personal income than from indirect taxes such as GST. A new…

Single Australasian Housing Market Coverage

A new study by by Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Arthur Grimes, and Mark Holmes looked at real house prices (official house prices adjusted by a consumer price index) in sixteen cities in Australia and New Zealand. The following…

Wellington set to miss emissions target

Suzi Kerr commented on this story by Kate Pereyra-Garcia from RNZ National.

Two countries, 16 cities, 5,000km, but only one housing market

Kiwis often talk about the Auckland housing market as if it were a lone wolf, unconnected to anything else in the country. Now, however, economic research shows that not only is Auckland part of New…

Going Places - new BWB Text looks at migration

Going Places: Migration, Economics and the Future of New Zealand by Julie Fry and Hayden Glass looks at the economic contribution of migration to and from New Zealand. It uses a wide range of research from Motu and…

Motu News March 2016

In this issue of our e-newsletter, you will learn about the World Bank's emissions trading system handbook - a project co-led and co-authored by Motu that will be used around the world. This kind of…

Kiwi expertise leading the world on emissions trading

A New Zealand economist has just helped launch a report that will help any country in the world set up an emissions trading system. “Many countries have indicated that they intend to use emissions trading systems…