Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

351 - 360 of 403 items

Productivity Stats get a Nudge

Brian Fallow has an in-depth column explaining recent research into firm productivity in the NZ Herald. "A more cheerful picture of productivity growth than the official statistics give us emerges from new research into what has…

Earthquake-Prone Commercial Building Coverage

Coverage of Before a Fall - Motu's paper on the impact of regulation and building codes on earthquake-prone commercial buildings was considerable.  The following media outlets covered the story: Science Media Centre RNZ News RNZ Checkpoint (audio) 3 News NewstalkZB Foreign Affairs  Yahoo Evening…

Sticker discount for earthquake-prone commercial buildings

Summary Haiku Buildings declared prone To fall in quakes, fall in price.* *Conditions apply. Media Release Since devastating earthquakes struck Canterbury nearly five years ago, public interest in seismic safety has sharply increased. The economic impact of the rebuild is…

Corey Allan wins Heading West Award

Corey Allan has been given the Heading West Award. This award gives Corey free travel and accommodation for the 2016 AARES Annual Conference in Canberra. Corey will present on land use in New Zealand, building on…

Amazing new research projects

Jamie Morton from the NZ Herald reports on the 2015 Marsden Funding grants, including a look at Isabelle Sin's research into the brain drain.

Marsden Funding for skilled migration research

New Zealand has the highest skilled emigration rate in the OECD at 24.2 percent, yet our understanding of the forces driving our skilled graduates overseas is limited. Isabelle Sin, a researcher at Motu Economic and Public…

Research shows average skill of workers fell between 2001-12

RNZ National's business news for 4 November 2015 included a segment on Motu's Firm Productivity Growth and Skills paper, with a quote from Dave Maré.

Productivity and low-skill employment growth

New Zealand’s strong employment growth between 2001 and 2012 drew in a disproportionate number of lower skilled workers. This change offset the growth in skill of the New Zealand work force by 1.8%. “The overall change…

Marsden Fund under the microscope

The Independent Research Association of New Zealand (IRANZ) published an article about Adam Jaffe's research into the Marsden Fund in their November 2015 Newsletter.

Oxford University Presentation on Immigrant Intergration Podcast

Motu affiliate Jacques Poot recently presented work by Arthur Grimes, Matthew Roskruge and himself at Oxford University. The presentation is podcast here. In this presentation Poot compares immigrant and native-born social capital formation by means of…